Friday, May 8, 2020

David in Saul's service

Chapters 11 & 12 in Hebrews talk about some of the the towering personalities in the Old Testament who lived by faith. They hadn't received the fullness of God's promise in Jesus, but they continued on expectantly. Hebrews is a letter reminding Christians to do likewise: follow those great examples.

From the Contemporary English Version (CEV) Hebrews 11:1 - 12: 3. Animated in Flash.

You can get an mp4 of this video to download on my Gumroad store:

Some of the images from this cartoon:

Cain and Abel

Moses in Egypt

The fall of Jericho


Matthew 28: Jesus' Great Commission

Jesus' disciples saw him do many amazing things, but the most amazing was seeing him risen from the dead! What should they do in response? This cartoon is based on Matthew 28:16-20. 

You can get this colouring book and the accompanying short cartoon on my Gumroad:

Here's some of the pictures included in the colouring book:

All animation and character designs are by me.